Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Just What Is This Monitor Monitoring Anyways?

Scenario #1
Put Miles to sleep. Turn on upstairs monitor. Listen to Portuguese woman next door chat on the phone (too bad she doesn't speak English, it sounded pretty heated). Switch channel (there are only 2...A & B). Listen to some mother trying to put her kid to sleep (poor woman, sounded like she was having a rough time). Switch back to previous channel...Miles snoring.

Scenario #2
Put Miles to sleep. Turn on upstairs monitor. Listen to Miles snore. Read book, watch TV, fiddle on computer. Listen to high pitched ringing, buzzing and beeping (Alien communication?). Noises stop. Listen to Miles snore.

Scenario #3
Put Miles to sleep. Turn on upstairs monitor. Listen to silence. Switch channel. Listen to silence. Turn up volume. Silence. Press monitor to ear. Silence. Switch back channel. Turn up volume. Silence. Press monitor to ear. Silence. Is my kid even breathing? Go downstairs. Peek in room. Look for the rise and fall of his chest. He's fine (of course). Go upstairs. Realize I'm far too paranoid and need to take it easy (I should appreciate the silence). Listen to Miles snoring (figures).

I thought Dean and Jody were silly for getting a video monitor (pricey, and well, what did our parents do before monitors?). When we visited, I always asked to use it (novelty)....of course secretly wishing I had one. I guess when they hear alien noises, next door neighbours, or just plain sweet silence, they can just look at the the mini screen and know everything is okay (although their monitor is so advanced I'm sure it doesn't even pick up half of the crap ours does). It's too late for us now. All I can do now is think of the monitors future potential and advantages. I'm hoping that when we move we can use our monitors to spy on the neighbours, or communicate with alien life which ever comes first. Dean & Jody, we sit in awe and admire the wonder of baby technology you possess, and kick ourselves daily for not getting one.


Anonymous said...

More, more, better, better, baby.

Heather said...

Dean has rubbed off on was only a matter of time!